June 22 - Newsletter

23 mai 2024

June 22 - Newsletter

From Configuration 0 to Industrial Configuration


Elyse Technology continues its development, and has just completed Phase 3 which led to a TRL of 8/9.

The decision to build a Technology Demonstrator / Series Lead allowed us to operate in real conditions (in wind, rain, heat waves, winter cold), with the hazards that this entails.


In the first half of 2022, we tested B wood, CSR, CSE, tires and rolling mill sludge. The humidity level of these products varies from 10% to 30%, with densities of 200 to 1,800 kg/m3.

The demonstrator thus passes a continuous flow rate of 100 to 310 kg/h depending on the nature of the input and its rate of volatility in the transfer. The flow rate planned during the design in 2018 was 240 kg/h of wood.

The demonstrator was pushed into a cold test, to validate the maximum design flow of the enclosures.

We were able to validate techniques for acceptance tests on site and in the workshop by infrared thermography and helium detection (measurement at 10-7 leak rate).

We thus pushed the vacuum to 40 mbar absolute.

June 22 - Newsletter

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Elyse 4.0


Elyse 4.0

ELYSE TECHNOLOGY has chosen to resolutely commit to the industry of the future and is launching its ELYSE 4.0 project, aware that these two orientations (the 4.0 company on the one hand, the virtual factory on the other hand) are for it the strong pillars of its economic sustainability.

As a manufacturer, ELYSE TECHNOLOGY must not only support its customers in defining their needs (nature of inputs, type of energy produced envisaged) but also during subsequent operation by offering a whole range of related services artificial intelligence, applied tele-knowledge, distance training.


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